In time for IBC 2009 from September 11-15, in Amsterdam, the IRT is presenting products and services at its booth 10.F51. In addition IRT is also represented as partner of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) at the booth 10.D21 with results of the collaborative research projects VITALAS, CONTENTUS and DTV4All.
“Broadcast” and “IT” - two terms that are growing together more and more. Today, “Broadcast without IT” is unimaginable and expressions like “interoperability”, “system integration”, “mobility” and “flexibility” gain more and more in importance. The common aim of broadcasters is to create a seamless work-flow in which all components are at the best standardized, most cost-effective,
and flexible to configure. Therefore, IRT offers a wide range of products and services that are designed to support this goal along the whole broadcasting chain.
MXF supports file-based production In television production, the Material Exchange Format (MXF) has established itself as the universal file format for the exchange of audio-visual material and metadata in IT-based production and archive environments. With the version 2.1 of the MXF Analyser Professional, IRT extends its successful analysis system with new interfaces based on the principles of SOA (service based architecture). Now the MXF Analyser can be easily integrated in existing or new SOA infrastructures to perform in-depth analysis of MXF files. All relevant SD and HD essence formats are supported including H.264, JPEG 2000 and MPEG-2 Long GOP. At the IBC 2009,IRT demonstrates the integration of its MXF Analyser Professional and Tektronix’ Cerify system as a first setup to combine different analysis processes based on SOA infrastructures.